Fire Monks will be out in paperback in June! I've just posted some new Bay Area readings on my Events page. Many summer and fall events are still in the works and will be added as they are confirmed. In April, fire monk David Zimmerman and I spoke at the International Association of Wildland Fire Human Dimensions conference in Seattle. It was a heartwarming experience to present to such a receptive audience of fire professionals. Lots of great people doing good work studying our complex relationship with fire and the landscapes it touches. San Francisco Zen Center is in the … [Read more...]
New Huff Post Blog on Finding Time
My latest Huffington Post blog on a meditator's expanded experience of time is here. The editors gave it a "How to" title, and it does end on a practical note, but it's not a checklist or a receipe. (As Suzuki Roshi once said--and one of my teachers, renowned Zen chef Edward Espe Brown likes to quote--"You cannot eat a receipe.") In the post, I offer my own experience of making peace with time through meditation practice. Bon appetit! … [Read more...]
Fire Monks is a KWMR pledge premium
Tomorrow, KWMR Community Radio in West Marin will be airing an interview with me as part of their fall pledge drive and National Preparedness Month, from 10-11:30 am PST. And, they will give away free copies of FIRE MONKS as pledge premiums! I am working on posting one or two more Huffington Post blogs in the next couple of weeks. After that, it will be quiet on for the remaining months of the year, as I'll be offline for three months of retreat--at Tassajara. Retreat isn't exactly the right word for a practice period, but more on that later... Mark your … [Read more...]
Huffington Post just published a blog I wrote on decision-making. Read it here and pass it along to your beloved indecisive ones. … [Read more...]